VentMEDIC | Methane Emissions Detection and Integrated Controls | d-MRV

Our Reach

Oil and Gas Industry

In the dynamic landscape of the Oil and Gas industry, where the reduction of methane emissions is not just an environmental responsibility but a regulatory mandate, VentMEDIC stands as an essential ally. Tailored to confront the primary emission sources in the upstream sector—pneumatic devices, equipment leaks, compressor seals, glycol dehydrators, storage tanks, and surface casing vents—VentMEDIC delivers unparalleled accuracy and control. Our innovative solution equips you with the advanced technology needed to navigate and exceed the stringent methane emission regulations. 

A solitary orphan wellhead equipment setup in a vast, open field under a clear blue sky, indicative of the oil and gas industry's remote operations, with valves and pipes for controlling well pressure and flow.
Close-up photo of coal seams in an underground mine, with the out-of-focus silhouettes of miners wearing safety helmets in the background, highlighting the extraction of fossil fuels and the workers who are integral to the coal industry.

Coal Mine Methane

Methane, the byproduct of coal formation, emerges during mining operations only to be lost to the atmosphere through venting or flared as a safety measure. Our solution meticulously monitors and manages methane across major emission sources—from the depths of active underground mining to the subtleties of methane drainage systems and the persistent after-echo of post-mine emissions. 

Wastewater Treatment

Methane emissions, arise from the anaerobic breakdown of organic matter hidden within our sewage systems. Our approach not only identifies and quantifies these emissions but also transforms them from environmental liabilities into opportunities for energy recovery and reuse. With VentMEDIC, turn your wastewater treatment plant into a beacon of sustainability, balancing the cycle of water purification and methane management with innovative precision.

Aerial shot of a sustainable water treatment facility with circular settling tanks and adjacent solar panel arrays, showcasing integration of renewable energy solutions in industrial operations to reduce carbon footprint and promote green energy use.
Tractor spraying crops at sunset in a lush, expansive farmland, illustrating modern agriculture practices and the balance between food production and the management of environmental resources like soil and water.


Our system precisely tracks methane emissions where they’re most prevalent on the farm: from the digestive processes of ruminants to the decomposition of manure and even in the water-saturated paddies of rice fields. With VentMEDIC, farms can monitor and manage these emissions with unprecedented accuracy, paving the way for advanced sustainability in agriculture and a significant reduction in greenhouse gases. Embrace VentMEDIC, and grow towards a more sustainable future.


Landfills, while often out of sight, should not be out of mind, especially as they are significant contributors to methane emissions through the decomposition of organic matter under anaerobic conditions. VentMEDIC’s advanced methane monitoring technology is the key to unlocking this challenge. It identifies and quantifies methane emissions from anaerobic decomposition, landfill covers, and during leachate collection. By enabling precise low-flow measurements, VentMEDIC transforms waste liabilities into energy assets. Step into a future where sustainable waste management is not just a goal but a reality, with VentMEDIC as your strategic ally in environmental stewardship.

Aerial view of a contrasting landscape where a lush green field meets an expansive grey industrial site, reflecting the environmental challenges of balancing agricultural land with the operations of industry, and the importance of managing the impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrial biogas plants with cylindrical and dome-shaped digesters against a clear sky, highlighting renewable energy production and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Biogas Production

For biogas producers, VentMEDIC offers vital insights into methane production efficiency. Our system accurately measures low-flow methane levels, essential for optimizing biogas yield and quality. This precision supports sustainable energy initiatives, contributing to a greener energy future.

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Getting Started with Our Industrial & Manufacturing Company

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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